Discover the wonders of miso and its nutritional benefits! Learn how to make your own miso from scratch, including miso made from black beans and miso made from dandelion roots. Gabe Garms, founder of Creative Koji — a company located in the Methow Valley that grows, wild harvests and locally sources its ingredients to craft miso — also will share creative ways to cook with miso using a few simple recipes. Come ready to taste, learn, and be inspired to add this versatile ferment to your kitchen!
Instructor: Gabe Garms, Creative Koji
Date and time: Thursday 5/8/25, 6:30pm-9pm
Cost: $89
Location: Bellingham Co-op. 405 E. Holly Street, Bellingham, WA.
Misos available for sale after the class
Registration will be opening within the next couple of weeks on the Bellingham Co-op’s website.